AirMobiSim is a microscopic simulation framework for UAVs that can be used stand-alone and it provides a basis for the creation of kinematic and energy models for different UAVs. In the current version, we provide an implementation for the Crazyflie 2.1 platform. We furthermore enable coupling AirMobiSim with any other simulators via a generic gRPC interface.
The current version of AirMobiSim provides interfaces to OMNeT++ frameworks like Veins to enable wireless communication between UAVs and to couple AirMobiSim with SUMO for hybrid simulations of air and road traffic mobility. In doing so, we also implemented the coupling with the popular INET Framework for further usage of existing models such as the ones provided by simuLTE or simu5G. However, the coupling capabilities of AirMobiSim are not limited to OMNeT++; e.g., simulators like NS-3 or CARLA can be integrated using the same interface and methodology.
If you are using AirMobiSim (or components of it) we would appreciate a citation:

Instant-AirMobiSim Virtual Machine
Instant-AirMobiSim is a virtual machine you can use to quickly try out AirMobiSim or to run AirMobiSim on systems you do not have administrative access to. The VM contains the complete ecosystem necessary for execution. This also includes an integration of Veins and SUMO.
We provide Instant-AirMobiSim as an Open Virtualization Format file (.ova). This file can be imported into any virtualization software that supports this file format. We recommend to use Oracle VirtualBox.
Instant-AirMobiSim comes with
- AirMobiSim 0.1
- Veins 5.2
- SUMO 1.8.0
- OMNeT++ 6.0
- Debian 11, Linux 5, GNOME 3
The VM requires a login:
- User: airmobisim
- Password: airmobisim
Download Instant-AirMobiSim (via Google Drive)
Source Code
The source code can be found on GitHub, along with a documented example on how to use it. AirMobiSim has been developed for Unix/Linux and MacOS environments.